Queen Mating Services in Sacramento, CA: What You Need to Know

Beekeeping is a family tradition in Northern California, with Strachan Apiaries Inc. leading the way for more than 50 years. Founded by Don Strachan in 1954, the company is now run by his daughter Valeri Severson and her son Philip Strachan-Russell.

Strachan Apiaries Inc.

is the world's largest producer of queen bees from Carniola in the New World, and they offer the highest quality bees and customer service.

If you're looking for queen mating services in Sacramento, CA, Strachan Apiaries Inc. is the beekeeping authority in the area. They provide elimination of swarms and hives of honey bees, as well as premium quality queens and packaged bees for U. S.

and Canada beekeepers. Their apiculture calendar provides an excellent overview of what is happening in the hive at any time of the year. When it comes to queen mating services, it's important to understand that queens mate with up to 15 drones, so the distribution of genes in a honey bee hive is quite diverse. Researchers from the USDA and universities carry out these services, then distribute their unique strains of honey bee queens to honey bee producers who integrate those characteristics into their breeding program. If you're looking for queen mating services in Sacramento, CA, Strachan Apiaries Inc. is your go-to source for premium quality bees and customer service.

With more than 50 years of experience in beekeeping, they are the experts you can trust. At Strachan Apiaries Inc., they understand that queen mating services are essential for successful beekeeping operations. They provide a wide range of services to help beekeepers get the most out of their hives, including queen mating services, swarm removal, and hive maintenance. Their experienced team of beekeepers can help you select the right queen for your needs and ensure that your hives are healthy and productive. Strachan Apiaries Inc. also offers educational programs to help beekeepers learn more about queen mating services and other aspects of beekeeping.

They offer classes on topics such as hive management, honey production, and pest control. These classes are designed to help beekeepers gain a better understanding of how to care for their hives and maximize their yields. If you're looking for reliable queen mating services in Sacramento, CA, Strachan Apiaries Inc. With more than 50 years of experience in beekeeping, they are the experts you can trust.

Gertrude Krakowiak
Gertrude Krakowiak

Avid pizza enthusiast. Proud pizza fan. Lifelong coffee ninja. Extreme internet evangelist. Evil internet guru.